Hemorrhoid Miracle

Monday, June 16, 2014

Natural Hemorrhoid Relief

Millions of people are bothered by the symptoms of hemorrhoids and unsure what to do about them. Having hemorrhoids may be embarrassing, but if you use the information in the following article, you will be able to treat them more effectively.

If you want to treat your hemorrhoids naturally, witch hazel is a good over-the-counter product to try out. Witch hazel is an astringent and can be purchased from most supermarkets around. If you can't find it in a market, a pharmacy will definitely carry it. Apply a pad moistened with a small amount of witch hazel to the area for a soothing astringent effect that can lessen bleeding and swelling.

Hemorrhoids can be excruciatingly painful, but there are many things you can to do avoid them. For example, try increasing your daily fiber intake. A lack of fiber, especially from fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, can contribute to hard, hemorrhoid-causing stools, plus nutritional deficiencies. There are fiber supplements available that you can take, such as linseed.

To help you deal with hemorrhoid symptoms, include items like whole grains, fruit and vegetables in your diet. The simpler and more well-rounded your diet is, the more comfortable your situation will be.
Hemorrhoid pads are at the top of the list of products that are best for treating hemorrhoids. These pads are safe to use for practically anyone, and you can think of them in the same way you would think of a pad women use for their period.

Many people have discovered that tomato slices can work as a great hemorrhoid home remedy. The acid contained in tomatoes is terrific for reducing vein swelling. This method could help you keep hemorrhoids under control for many years, when you factor in other healthy changes such as an improved diet with additional fiber.

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, you should avoid eating foods that have been overly processed and filled with sugars and carbohydrates. Hemorrhoids will be exacerbated by fatty foods or ones with excessive sugar, causing intestinal problems and bloating.

The main cause of the majority of hemorrhoids is an over-extension of the sphincter's muscles and those surrounding it. For this reason, you should take care not to strain excessively during bowel movements, and you should also take steps to strengthen and tone your muscles overall for better health and strength.

An important consideration for people suffering from hemorrhoids is a quality stool softener, which should be taken regularly. Overexerting yourself when pushing through a bowel movement will create a lot of pain for you and perhaps make yourself more vulnerable to future problems.

If you want to prevent hemorrhoids, stay well hydrated. To be sure of easy bowel movements, drink 64 ounces of pure, filtered water every day. Avoid beverages containing alcohol and/or caffeine.
Add lemon juice to your water if you want to help your hemorrhoids. There are many calming properties in lemons which help to reduce hemorrhoid inflammation. Lemon water can improve how you feel.
Consider carrying a small seat cushion with you suffer from hemorrhoids. Though you will probably avoid using it in public, it can certainly relieve pain when driving or in the comfort of your own home.

Ice Packs

Ice can do wonders for hemorrhoid pain. Hemorrhoids are often times extremely painful. Utilize ice packs to alleviate pain and minimize swelling. Alternate ice packs and warm compresses. You can help your hemorrhoids by alternating sitting in a nice warm bath and using an ice pack.
You now know how to not only treat hemorrhoids, but to prevent them also. This should go a long way to helping you. Use your new-found knowledge to keep your hemorrhoids under control.

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